Thank you for your company
for a loss received by destiny
is also a part of our journey!
We could just fall apart and let all things be!
Or we gather our inner strength, spiritual force
and proceed with courage to another
phase of our own track. We are born
alone and all through life look for a soul mate.
Then we find one, we live together.
Then one day lose it all. So now what do we do?
We cry and weep. We feel sorry.
We ask ourselves: "why me?: Why
should I bear this loss? Is the Universe
against me? Then we realize that's
the nature of our existence. There is
everything in our path, the greatest
joy or grief to bear, the sun, rain, storms and hail.
in fact this good bad duality follows us on our mortal journey.
The other world we cannot see, but want
to believe. That's where we come from
and that's where we are due to return after our Time is done,
whether our candle is lit for long,
or was spent too soon or, sometimes, didn't even
make it to get on the journey of life.
Such joy for a life well spent,
such misery when tragedy strikes! But, all in all,
we need to get up and proceed ahead without
looking back... but I prefer to see it all as history.
So now I walk at my pace and found along
the way my way and there, there was you!
Ah what fortune! New born love!