A precious gift to have and to hold. Knowing the balance
and keeping it inside to safeguard the time we give ourselves
and others! A friendship can sometimes be too close for comfort
and we realize that we need time to breathe on our own!
Doing what we want, keeping company at bay, but not for
too long! That's the real secret of long lasting friendship...
and companionship. So maybe it's time to call in an interval
and check the need to see each other. Who knows? This tactic
can work in mysterious ways... like a holiday overseas where
real distance determines the path we individually take. The times
we met gave inspiration a go. But now, maybe, a new chapter
begins as the one we have had has seen the sun set into the night!
Who knows how the New Dawn will emerge and whether the day
will still favor a close togetherness. After all, freedom is in our veins
and we must have it to keep truly alive. Love does not die but it needs
oxygen to stay with us inside. So our time, this time, has been a good
friend, showing the way forward and do what we must do in the Now
for each day! Loving you is holding you close at heart without
expectations and with gratitude for each activity enjoyed together.
My poetry will take a break whilst the sun sleeps peacefully at night!
A new day with sunrise can emerge as inspiration renews. Such is
the cycle of our living and our love in togetherness and freedom!